One of my good friends just posted a tag on her blog, so I thought I would do the same! This is the This or That beauty tag! Oh and before I forget, I tag all of you amazing people to do it.
Bronzer or Blusher?
I personally prefer using blusher rather than bronzer because it makes you look like you've just been outside in the cool winter air and gives your cheeks a healthy and natural looking glow. I also love it because I feel it is quite girly and I don't usually wear bronzer anyway unless I'm going out somewhere.
Lip gloss or lip stick?
I don't really get the chance to wear lipstick very often and it generally makes my lips really dry, so it would have to be lip-gloss. I find lip gloss is very hydrating and softening and it is also very discreet, so I can wear it at School. Also during winter I wear lots of lip gloss because in the cold I get really bad chapped lips.
Mascara or eye liner?
Both of these products are part of my daily make-up and so it's really hard to choose between them, but if I had to choose one I'd go for mascara because I think my lashes are very small and also eye liner looks weird on its own in my view.
Foundation or concealer?
Concealer all the way! I would not be able to function without concealer in my every-day life and anyway if I was desperate I could just put the concealer all over my face as a substitute for foundation (admittedly that would be a waste of concealer)
Neutral or colour eye shadow?
I always stick to neutral eye shadow, mainly because most coloured eye shadows do not match with my eyes and I think they just look silly on me.
Long or short?
Neither really, my nails are inbetween. They're not really short but they're not really long either. I would say that they're at a practical length and anyway long nails really get on my nerves because you can't do anything at all!
Acrylic or natural?
I usually have natural nails rather than acrylic, the only reason I would wear acrylic would be for a big occassion like a party or wedding.
Bright or dark nails?
I paint my nails to match and express my personality and mood, so I will pretty much always have bright colours or nail art on my nails! The only other colour I often use that isn't very bright would be a lovely dark red nail varnish I purchased a few weeks ago!
Perfume or body splash?
I usually wear perfume rather than body splash but I will ocassionally use it. At the moment I am wearing Ghost Sweetheart which has a lovely scent!
Lotion or body butter?
Body butter, mainly because at the moment I am using the body shop ginger sparkle body butter which is amazing! It is very hydrating and moisturizing, and smells so so so good!
Lush or other bath company?
Lush. Lush. Lush. If you know me or have at
least read my blog you will know that Lush is like my favourite store ever and I just love pretty much everything that they sell. To prove it, listed below is all the posts where I have mentioned Lush:
Jeans or sweat pants?
It depends, I always wear sweat-pants when I'm lounging about or just having a bit of a lazy day but I always wear skinny jeans out and about! (I would never wear sweat pants out,
Dresses or skirts?
Skirts, mainly because you have more freedom, with one skirt I can choose so many different outfits but with a dress I can just have one. You can also pair up a skirt and top to look like a dress if you wanted to!
Scarves or hats?
Once again, if you knew me you'd know that I absolutely love beanies, wether they're knitted or otherwise. I'd choose a hat over a scarf anyday.
Necklaces or bracelets?
I actually find most bracelets really annoying and I think that they get in the way alot so I generally avoid wearing them. I also have necklaces that mean a lot to me that I wear all the time.
Jacket or hoodie?
Hoodies, they're really comfy and I just prefer wearing them.
Curly or straight?
I like my hair straight but according to my friends my hair looks amazing curled.
Bun or ponytail?
I love wearing buns, especially messy ones and anyway I think I look stupid wearing ponytails unless they're side ponies.
Long or short?
Long, I love my hair long, and personally I think my hair would look stupid short.
However I think short looks good on other people.
Up or down?
Down, I hate tying my hair up and I only have it up if I absolutely have to.
Rain or shine?
Rain, I love listening and watching the rain from my bedroom window and the sound of rain helps me sleep!
Summer or winter?
Winter, as much as I hate the cold, I love the crisp morning air and the frost. I love the novelty of numb fingers. And I love being able to wear all my cute winter clothes!
Fall or Spring?
100% Autumn (Fall), I love the colour of the leaves and the crunch them make under my feet! Autumn is definitely the most beautiful season of the year.
Chocolate or vanilla?
Is this flavour-wise or scent-wise? I love chocolate ice-cream and chocolate everything but I love the soft and sweet scent of vanilla.
I hope you liked this tag, if you did comment share and don't forget to subscribe to the right!
Also if you do this tag please tag me in it, I want to see what you guys choose!