Saturday, 19 April 2014

Creme Egg Easter Bunny | Tutorial!

Hello my sprinkles!

A few days ago I showed you how to make cute Creme Egg Easter Chicks and I promised that I would show you how to make the Easter Bunny too, and as I am one not to disappoint, here you are! Like I said in my last post I hope you enjoy reading, making and eating!

Click here to read the tutorial to make the Easter Chick

You will need:
-Cadbury Creme Eggs
-125g Marzipan (for each treat)
-Rich Tea Biscuits
-Yellow Food Colouring
-Chocolate Sprinkles
-White and Milk Chocolate Balls


1. Cut approximately 125g marzipan from the packet and then split it unevenly into three; the largest piece (which will make the body) should be about 2/4 of the marzipan and the other two pieces should be 1/4. The other two bits are for the head and for the 'details' eg. ears, paws and a carrot'

I used too much marzipan for the body and head so
that's why there isn't a carrot and paws yet :)

2. Squish the largest ball flat so that it can easily wrap around the creme egg, if you need guidence for this step just put the egg in the middle and flatten from there!

3. Place the now marzipan wrapped creme egg on top of the rich tea biscuit, and then place the small ball on top of that to make the head.

4. Now, if you haven't already, mould two ears to place on the rabbits head! Make sure that they aren't too tall because if they are they'll just fall off.

5. Push the ears slightly into the rabbits head until they are secured.

6. Your creation is now starting to look like a bunny so you will need to mould two small paws to go on the front of the rabbit. They need to be the shape of small ovals:

Now lightly push them into the front of the body until they stay.

7. Mould two larger ovals for the feet, one foot should roughly be about the size of the two paws. Now attach them to the bottom of the body and biscuit.

8. What's the rabbit missing now? That's right! A carrot! For the carrot you will need to pour 2 drops of yellow food colouring into a bowl, mould a carrot shape and then dip it into the colouring. Roll the carrot around in your palms until the carrot has equal coverage.

If you have any green food colouring (I didn't) you can pour 1 drop into a small bowl and dye the carrot top!

9. Attach the carrot to your Easter bunny! There's two places where you could put the carrot, in between its paws to make it look like it's holding it or resting on one of it's feet.

10. Grab 2 milk chocolate balls and push them lightly into the rabbits head, these are it's eyes!

11. Next take 1 white chocolate ball and push it into the middle of the face. This is the rabbits nose!

12. Finally, take some chocolate sprinkles and make the rabbits mouth and whiskers.


Step 13. is to tuck in! Hope you have a Happy Easter; don't eat too much chocolate :)

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Creme Egg Easter Chick | Tutorial!

Hello my sprinkles!

As Easter is just around the corner, I thought I would show you how to make some super cute Easter treats involving Cadbury Creme Eggs! I got the idea from my local guides where it is somewhat of a tradition to make marzipan 'sculptures', so I have added a few twists to make them more of 'my own'. So, I hope you enjoy reading, making and eating! :)

I will show you how to make the Easter Bunny in my next post!

You will need:
-Cadbury Creme Eggs
-125g marzipan (for each treat)
-Rich tea biscuits
-Yellow Food Colouring
-Chocolate Sprinkles
-Chocolate Chips



1. Cut approximately 125g marzipan from the packet and then split it into two; one piece should be around 4/6 and the other 2/6.

2. Pour about 5 small drops of yellow food colouring into a bowl and place aside.

3. Roll up your marzipan pieces into balls and then dip them into your food colouring. Now, roll the ball around in your hands to spread the colour, (it gets a bit messy but the colouring just washes off your hands) At regular intervals you should squish the marzipan and remould it so that you can get as much of it coloured as possible.

 Keep dipping it into the colouring until you get the colour desired:

4. Flatten the largest ball until it is about 1cm thick. Inside this you will put your creme egg, so if you want to make sure it is exactly right, unwrap your delicious cream egg and place it on the marzipan so you get an idea of how big it needs to be.

5. Wrap the creme egg up in the marzipan and place it on the rich tea biscuit, the marzipan will stick to the biscuit. You should have a little bit left over after this stage, don't throw it out, it's important for later!

6. Now place the smaller ball on top to create the head.

7. The leftovers from the body will now come in useful! Split it in two so you have enough for a beak and a tail and mould the two. Place the tail onto the bottom of the body and attach it by smoothing the sides.

8. Dip the moulded beak into the food colouring so that it is darker than the other areas. Next, place it near the bottom of the head and push so that it is securely in place.

You for some reason can't tell that the beak is darker in this light
9. As you can tell the chick is missing it's wings and its eyes. For the eyes all you need is two chocolate chips or balls and push them in its head!

10. For the wings get a handful of chocolate sprinkles and starting about 1/2 cm from the top begin to push them slightly into the body. You just need a rough wing shape, nothing fancy!

11. Enjoy!


 And there you have it, a super cute and tasty Easter Chick! I hope you enjoyed this little 'tutorial' and stay tuned for the adorable Easter bunny!

Happy Easter!

Friday, 11 April 2014

Spring Haul Week - Primark

Hello my sprinkles!

The same day I went shopping in Lincoln I also visited Primark (or Primani as I like to call it) because I was in serious need of some summery tops. Unsurprisingly, by the time I went into Primark, I had spent the most part of my money, but as this is Primani we are talking about, I walked out with a couple of bargains and a smile on my face.

R to L: Daisy Collared Top, LA California T-shirt, Vintage
 Memories Tank, Coca-Cola Hoodie, 2 pairs of Frilly Socks

Frilly Socks - £1.50 each

I kind of have a tinsy winsy obsession with frilly socks at the moment and when ever I see a pair I can't help but buy them. I just think that they are so cute, girly and pretty; for the record, they are also really in this season! Luckily, (and unluckily) Primark had a whole two massive racks of just frilly socks. It's safe to say that I was in heaven and could have easily bought each and every frilly sock in the shop, but I restrained myself and settled for two adorable pairs. A dark blue pair with white hearts and a cream frill, and a baby blue pair with a knit pattern, little sparkles and a white frill.

Although I love both pairs, the baby blue socks are definitely my favourite. They are simple and dainty but are also really cute and pretty. I think the socks would also be easier to pair with shoes and outfits as they are not as 'in your face' as the other pair.

Vintage Memories Tank - £4

This was the first top I came across and as soon as I saw it I knew that it was the perfect summer tank. It looks great paired with shorts and bracelets and I think I might invest in a flower crown to go with it too! This tank also looks really nice when baggily tucked into high shorts but unfortunately I deleted the picture, sorry! 

I can't wait until its warm enough to wear this outfit without the tights as I think it would look really pretty, and I might also buy a long knit cardigan so I can still wear this on colder days. The only thing I don't like about this top is that the neck of it is a bit too high for me. It doesn't look weird, it's sort of a preference I have. 

LA California t-shirt - £4

I don't usually buy this type of t-shirt as they never really appealed to me, but the look and colour of this one made me change my mind. It has a really pretty design which features the sun setting over palm trees and is overall just a nice summery tee. I'm also not one for rolled up sleeves but with this t-shirt I don't really mind.

It looks really nice paired with high shorts and bracelets but also looks nice with distressed jeans/shorts and light acid wash skinnies!

Daisy Print Collared Top - £10

As soon as I saw this on the rail I fell in love with it and if you've seen any of my Wishlist Wednesdays you'd know why! Plus, everything about this top screams summer; the lack of sleeves, the daisies and the light floaty material. Staying on the subject of the material, this top is so soft and silky and seems to be really good quality; hopefully it is because I want it to last as long as possible!

Even though I do love this top, it was the most expensive top I have ever bought from Primark. Although, £10 isn't exactly expensive compared to other clothing retailers!

As you can see in all three images I have paired this top with a pair of dark high waisted shorts, but it also goes brilliantly with light blue skinny jeans and shorts with tights! This top can also be worn many different ways; it looks good hanging out, fully tucked in and also tucked in baggily so you can swap it up how ever
you like it!

Coca-Cola Hoodie - £10

I look really derpy/creepy in these photos -_-
This hoodie is the comfiest hoodie I have ever bought and I would quite happily live in it if I could. The material on the inside is fleecy and super soft, and isn't very thick so you can wear it on the less sunny spring and summer days. It goes really well with leggings, shorts and other quite tight items of clothing, this is because it is meant to be slightly baggy. Baggy things are always the most comfy!

Plus, Coca-Cola is one of my favourite drinks of all time so I don't mind walking around with their name on my hoodie!


Well, that was my Primani haul! If you enjoyed don't forget to leave a comment, I read them all and they make my day!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

£10 Love To Shop Voucher Giveaway - Announcement!

Hello all my little sprinkles!

Last month I was giving away £10 of Love to Shop Vouchers to one lucky winner, and now the competition has closed. Before I announce who is the winner, I'd like to thank all of you who entered!

But, without further ado...

The winner....

Of the giveaway...

Has been emailed! ;)

So, check your emails if you've entered because it could be you!

Monday, 7 April 2014

Spring haul week - Lush

Hello my little sprinkles!

I have been doing an awful lot of shopping lately so I decided to do a Spring Haul Week. To put emphasis on the spring aspect of the hauls I thought that I would take the photos outside, but obviously doing that is dependant on the weather so some photos are unfortunately indoors. Also, in some of the hauls this week you will see that I got a little bit over excited, but that's what shopping is all about!


A few days ago I popped into my local (ish) Lush to pick up some products from the new Spring/Easter range - but as this is me we're talking about so I bought (and spent) way more than anticipated! The Lush I visited was the one in Lincoln, which is a very reasonable size and has possibly the friendliest staff ever!

The first product I picked up was the Fizz Tank! The Fizz Tank is a tube that you store all your lovely lush products in so that they stay fresh and don't go off. The tube is also great for saving space as you can fit approx. 4 products in it - I used to have a whole box in my bathroom for Lush products but now I just have a few of these lined up together.

Plus, not only is it totally adorable, but it's also made 100% of recycled Lush black pots that customers return to store! What's not to love?

Bunch of carrots - £5.95

These super cute bunch of carrots are bubble bars from the Spring/Easter range! I very rarely spend £6 on 1 product but I felt that with these, you got your moneys worth. I mean you get 3 carrots so they are around £2 each - which is reasonable, and you can just about get away with using around a third of one for a bath. Just to prove it, I used 1/3 of a carrot for my bubble bath last night and I got around 5 inches of bubbles!

The scent is also amazing; don't be deceived by their carrot exterior as they smell very tropical. When I smell it I can definitely pick up the scent of lemon mixed in with other fruits, and also an undertone of blackcurrant.

The Ickle Baby Bot, as the name suggests is a bath bomb designed especially for young children. Now, before you start asking why I bought a product aimed at young boys let me just tell you what it's meant to do. The bomb is designed to relax and calm you before bed and also helps to look after soft and delicate skin. 

When I saw it was scented with lavender and camomile I was worried that the bomb would be too over-powering but they managed to make it just the right strength. Also, you have to admit the robot design is pretty adorable!

The golden egg is another of the products from Lush's Easter range; it's a bath bomb and a bath melt combined to make a 'glittering' product. I was a little bit hesitant about buying this as I had heard it leaves your bath in a terrible mess because of all the glitter, and I don't doubt that, but as it smelt so good I just had to have it! The smell is a delicious mix between toffee and honey and truthfully it's a real struggle for me not to eat it!

Here's a picture of what my hand looked like after taking the bath bomb out of the Fizz Tank, holding it for a photograph and then putting it back again. Just so you know, the glitter doesn't come off easily!

Fluffy Egg - £2.95

The fluffy egg is a bath bomb that is scented with my all time favourite lush scent, 'candy fluff', so as soon as I saw it, I put in my basket! Candy fluff is a very sweet smell that reminds me of sweet shops, and in particular two sweets:
- Pear drops
- Candy floss

The creamy candy range also use this scent and the very popular Christmas range, snow fairy, also has a very similar smell.

When I got to the till and paid the very nice guy working there gave me this freebie; it is 40g of coalface, which a gentle soap that can be used on your body and also your face. The look of it isn't appealing and I'm not a very big fan of the smell either. It is very strong and reminds me of liquorish but with an undertone of something else. Although the soap doesn't look or smell nice, it does do a good job. Whenever I choose to use it my face feels as if it has been moisturised, exfoliated and also just generally feels very refreshed.

This is a product I wouldn't of bought myself but I have to admit, even though it isn't the nicest, it is pretty good!


I hope that you enjoyed this spring themed Lush haul and will stay tuned for the rest of haul week!