Wednesday, 27 November 2013

My winter favourites: Day 3

3. Slipper socks 
   Slipper socks are seriously like the comfiest things for you feet ever. Whoever thought to combine socks and slippers to create slipper socks was an absolute genius! and I know what you're thinking, 'Claire calm down, they're just slipper socks!' but I love them, nearly as much as I love my bed, not AS much. Nearly as much. I will never love something as much as my bed, sorry.

Ahem. Anyway...

I've never really like slippers, i'm not sure why, they just don't appeal to me! but my feet get really cold in winter and I don't like walking on cold floor so I needed something to wear other than slippers, and socks aren't comfy enough! So I had a look online and found so many slipper socks! It's safe to say my feet won't be getting cold this winter! I kinda went overboard with the slipper socks but, OH WELL!
  My favourite pair at the moment are:

These cute and Christmassy slipper socks are from Primark and I bought them because I saw them in a Zoella video and just completely fell in LOVE with them! These are AMAZING and sososososo warm, soft,and comfy! I love how the out side is kitted but the inside is fleece and I absolutely love the snowflake pattern too, they also really remind me of Christmas stockings which gets me into a real Christmas mood! They also have grips on the bottom so you don't slip over, which is good but I do like sliding across the room which I can't do in these, oh well! ^_^ And great news, my feet don't get cold anymore! Hooray!

Stay tuned for day 4 of winter favourite week ^_^
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What do you think tomorrows winter favourite will be?


  1. haha, I love my bed too! I'm really enjoying your posts and I hope that you get noticed more! You should do about your top 5 favorite Christmas films after Winter favorites week is over! :D

  2. Thank you so much, it means a lot! <3 and yeah! That's a great idea for a post, I think I'll do that!


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